Chronically Ill Pen Pals

"I started Creative Connections after speaking to countless other disabled and chronically ill people who told me that they too felt isolated from friends and family because they didn’t understand what it was like to be sick."

Our Services
Please note that our program is currently geared towards people between the ages of 18-35. We are hoping to expand our age range in the near future!

Join the Community!

Receive a Starter Package!

Get Creative!
We are running a one-year pilot and are aiming to make 35 connections - that’s 70 people. The key is to remove as many barriers as possible so all our pen pals have to do is focus on making connections.
. Our fundraising goal of $5,000 will pay for the welcome packages, a simple inexpensive website, logo, a few small gift cards to give our pen pals so they can recognize something special in a pen pal’s life or help them buy something small to personalize the pen pal experience. 100% of your donation will go directly into the program.
Any donation is welcome. If you want to help sponsor the pilot or know someone who does, email me at
Thank you for donating. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate and how much good it will do.